I have now moved my blogs to my company portal. Please feel free to continue to follow me and the rest of the guys. http://www.virtualben.co.uk/
I will no longer be posting to this blog.
See you there.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
SYN308 - Whats new and Planned for XenClient
45min synergy video on the new XenClient Tech preview (and XenCLient XT – high-security environments)
Citrix Release Netscaler Cloud Bridge
Comes with Platinum edition + also standalone starting price $5000
- Seamless Network: L2 network bridging makes the cloud network a natural extension of the enterprise's exiting L2 network, making it easy to shift resources to the cloud without having to re-architect the application.
- Secured Tunnel: Encryption capabilities native to NetScaler ensure that data remains secure as it traverses the network links between the enterprise and the cloud
- Optimized Access: Network acceleration capabilities alleviate latency and speed issues by intelligently transferring data between the enterprise datacenter and the cloud datacenter.
- User Transparency: Global server load balancing reduces server appliance costs by intelligently choosing either the enterprise datacenter or the cloud datacenter to host the application, and making that process seamless to people accessing the applications.
- App Flexibility: Cloud Bridge also makes it easy to keep sensitive app components – like directories and data – safely inside the datacenter, while moving the compute parts of the app out into the cloud
Citrix XenClient 2 Tech Preview Available
Try XenClient Express Tech Preview |
Citrix XenClient Express is a trial package that lets you experience the benefits of local virtual desktops. Before downloading, please ensure that your laptop meets the technical specifications and hardware compatibility list (HCL) for running XenClient. |
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
The VDI is not available - XenServer 5.6 FP1
I had a virtual machine crash and it could not be restarted.
It would not shut down through XenCenter. It would not shut down through the command line with "xe vm-shutdown vm=" or "xe vm-shutdown --force vm=".
I tried “xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=uuid-of-the-virtual-in-question force=true” and that failed.
In order to restart the VDI I had to run the following commands:
“xe task-list”
see if anything is in pending state that might be related to the command failure.
If you do see anything that is likely to be in the way, try removing the task with
If you do see anything that is likely to be in the way, try removing the task with
“xe task-cancel uuid= TASK-UUID”
then try the shutdown operation again.
I then found that the XenCenter console did not refresh so I needed to close the connection and re-open in order to see my shutdown VDI.
When the VDI was then started I received the error “ the vdi is not available”
The VDI in question had 3 drives:
C:\ System
E:\ Data
F:\ Logs
I tried to attached the various disks to a test VM and restart and found that one of the virtual disks was causing the problem. The E:\ Data drive which is probably the most crucial disk in the VM.
It appeared that the virtual disk was not being accessed on the Storage Repository or it was locked.
In order to resolve this I ran the following commands.
1. Determine the UUID of the Storage Repository and the VDI that's exhibiting the issue
2. Run xe vdi-forget uuid=<vdi_uuid>
3. Run xe vdi-scan sr-uuid=<sr_uuid>;
4. Check in XenCenter (or run xe vdi-list sr-uuid=<sr_uuid>;) and you should see the VDI sitting there. Fill in the info you had before in the Properties.
5. Reattach the VDI to your VM of choice and try starting it up.
2. Run xe vdi-forget uuid=<vdi_uuid>
3. Run xe vdi-scan sr-uuid=<sr_uuid>;
4. Check in XenCenter (or run xe vdi-list sr-uuid=<sr_uuid>;) and you should see the VDI sitting there. Fill in the info you had before in the Properties.
5. Reattach the VDI to your VM of choice and try starting it up.
XenServer is not as stable as I would hope and hopefully this will assist others in the future.
PLEASE SEE COMMENTS: This may cause issues if any post SP1 hotfixes have been applied. Please test with caution.
PLEASE SEE COMMENTS: This may cause issues if any post SP1 hotfixes have been applied. Please test with caution.
Configuring Key Management System (KMS) Licensing for Windows and Office2010 in Different Scenarios
Citrix have released an interesting White Paper on configuring KMS for Office 2010. This is especially of interest if you are using PVS to deliver the XenApp workloads with Office 2010 installed.
Recommended Citrix and MS hotfixes for XenApp6
Based Citrix Technical Support experience and customer feedback, the following Citrix and Microsoft hotfixes have been found to resolve the most common issues with XenApp 6 and Windows Server 2008 R2. These hotfixes focus on basic functionality and stability. For a complete list of Citrix hotfixes for XenApp 6, please click here.
Note: Please refer to individual readme files for each of the following hotfixes to review complete details of issues addressed. Details listed below only mention the most common issues known to be resolved with each hotfix. Also, check out CTX126711 for our support statement on and a list of known issues with Windows 2008 R2 - SP1.
Note: Please refer to individual readme files for each of the following hotfixes to review complete details of issues addressed. Details listed below only mention the most common issues known to be resolved with each hotfix. Also, check out CTX126711 for our support statement on and a list of known issues with Windows 2008 R2 - SP1.
· Installing hotfixes or performing a repair on the base product for Citrix XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2 can inadvertently remove the Citrix Licensing component, if present, from the system. This fix prevents the Citrix Licensing component from being removed when installing subsequent hotfixes.
· This enhancement is a part of the XenApp Printing Optimization Pack. The Printing Optimization Pack improves the user experience and printing speed by reducing the printer bandwidth required. For more information, including system requirements, required components, and known issues, see XenApp Printing Optimization Pack in eDocs, the Citrix Product Documentation Library.
· 1.This fix addresses a security vulnerability. For more information, see Knowledge Center article CTX123359. NEW
· This fix addresses session reliability issues that can occur when using multiple, disparate client devices to reconnect to the same session.
· Servers running XenApp 6 can become unresponsive while shutting down. The issue occurs when when the picadm.sys driver encounters certain error conditions that prevent it from shutting down gracefully. Also. servers might experience a fatal exception, displaying a blue screen on picadm.sys with bugcheck code 0x22 (FILE_SYSTEM)
· If a session is disconnected while it is still reading or writing a CDM file, the resulting deadlock condition can prevent servers from accepting new session requests.
· Certain applications fail to launch when Admin Approval Mode is enabled in User Account Control
· This fix addresses a security vulnerability. For more information, see Knowledge Center article CTX128169
· Attempts to log on to a XenApp 6 server using Version 7 or earlier of the clients can cause svchost.exe to exit unexpectedly. As a result, further connection attempts to the server fail until it is restarted.
· The CPU consumption of the CitrixCseEngine.exe process can spike unexpectedly and cause logon delays.
· Attempts to launch a published application that resides on a mapped network drive rather than on a XenApp server fail
· When connecting to a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1, Terminal Services can exit unexpectedly. This causes users to experience a black screen during logon and the logon process fails to complete.
· Servers might experience a fatal exception, displaying a blue screen, with bugcheck code 0xf4 on IMAAdvanceSrv.exe.
· Attempts to launch Windows Internet Explorer from an http, https, or mms hyperlink embedded in a streamed application fail. The issue occurs because XenApp 6 does not create the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\opennew\command_backup registry key as part of server file type association
Other Citrix
XenApp Server Configuration Tool - Update 1.1.0 for XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2
XenApp Server Configuration Tool - Update 1.1.0 for XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2
· This hotfix contains an updated version of the XenApp Server Configuration Tool, which you use to configure XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2 server role installations. The XenApp image can be prepared for imaging and provisioning before, during, or after configuring XenApp. NEW
· This enhancement is a part of the XenApp Printing Optimization Pack. The Printing Optimization Pack improves the user experience and printing speed by reducing the printer bandwidth required. For more information, including system requirements and required components, see XenApp Printing Optimization Pack in eDocs, the Citrix Product Documentation Library. NEW
· A Windows Server 2008 R2-based Remote Desktop server denies some connection requests randomly under heavy logon or logoff conditions
· Delay when you shut down, restart, or log off on a Windows Server 2008 R2
· Stop error in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 if a heavy load situation exists or if connectivity issues exist: "STOP: 0x000000B8"
· A computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 stops responding randomly. Note: It has been reported that this hotfix must be applied prior to installing SP1.
· An application or service that uses Winsock API or Winsock Kernel API may randomly stop responding in Windows Server 2008 R2
· Installs 32-Bit help System 2008R2 may be required if hosting 32-bit applicaitons
· Remote desktop sessions do not completely exit, and you cannot establish new remote desktop sessions to a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2
· Startup takes a long time on a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer that has an Intel Nehalem-EX CPU installed
· A computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 intermittently cannot use a shared network printer to print NEW
Disable ScreenSaver GPO
Sometimes its the little tasks that can be the most complicated!
I needed to disable screensaver in Citrix and the GPO setting has been moved to the following location:
User Configuration\Administrative templates\Control panel\Personalization\Enable ScreenSaver
Set to Disabled
Useful XenServer Links
Links to the resources available for XenServer and Citrix Essentials.
XenServer Page
Download XenServer 5.6 FP1 GA http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_1688616.asp
MyCitrix (Licensing, Support and Partner Sales Kits)
Citrix XenServer Feature Matrix - http://www.citrix.com/english/ps2/products/subfeature.asp?contentid=1680964
Citrix eDocs online Production Documentation - http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/index.jsp
Free E-Learning Course - Introduction to Citrix Essentials for XenServer 5.5 - http://citrixtraining.com/courses/course_view.cfm/course_id:274
Citrix XenServer Literature - http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/documents.asp?contentid=683148
Citrix Ready -
Citrix Community -
Citrix XenServer Central - http://community.citrix.com/citrixready/xenserver
XenServer 5.6 FP1 Administrator Guide - http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/5.6.0fp1/1.0/en_gb/reference.html#id2564366
Citrix Knowledge Center -
http://support.citrix.com/ and http://support.citrix.com/product/xens/
Citrix XenServer Featured Articles - http://support.citrix.com/product/xens/v5.6/
Citrix Licensing Basics - http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_2305120.asp
Citrix Forum -
Citrix XenServer Master Classes (Free) -
Citrix XenServer 5.6 FP1 Master Class (ANZ) - https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/644832776
XenServer Project "Cowley" - http://www.citrix.com/English/NE/events/event.asp?eventID=1855037
Citrix TV -
OpenSource iSCSI Targets for XenServer - http://www.nexenta.com/corp/products & http://www.osnexus.com/
Citrix XenServer Security Target - http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/epfiles/crp255st.pdf
Citrix HCL -
Citrix HCL Community Verified - http://community.citrix.com/citrixready
Citrix HCL Self Certification Kits - http://www.citrix.com/ready/hcl
Citrix YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/CitrixTV
Citrix Ask the Architect - http://community.citrix.com/p/ata#architects & AsktheArchitect@citrix.com
XenServer ROI Calculates - https://roianalyst.alinean.com/citrix/xenserver/
Citrix Synergy 2010 -
Citrix Security Bulletins - http://support.citrix.com/securitybulletins/
Citrix IRC Channel -
Twitter -
@Citrix, @xenserverarmy, @Citrix_Synergy, #citrixsynergy, #xenserver
Citrix on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/citrix
Helpful Resources for XenServer - http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_1688622.asp#top
Fault Tolerance using Marathon - http://www.marathontechnologies.com/high_availability_xenserver.html& http://community.citrix.com/blogs/
Open vSwitch -
http://openvswitch.org/ & http://www.openflowswitch.org/
Citrix Product Sales Kit - http://community.citrix.com/kits/brand/sk-products
eCo System Partners - https://www.citrix.com/English/partners/partnertop.asp
• Fault Tolerance - http://www.marathontechnologies.com/high_availability_xenserver.html
• Backup - (PHD virtual, Quorumsoft , SEP, Commvault. Symantec) - http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122191
• Security -
• Multitenant -
http://www.desktone.com/ & http://cloud.com/ & http://www.openstack.org/
• Virus Scanning - http://www.mcafee.com/us/campaigns/virtualized/
Citrix Product Lifecycle Phases -
XenServer Tech Specs - http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/subfeature.asp?contentID=1681139
Citrix XenServer Best Practices -
• http://community.citrix.com/display/xs/Best+Practices
• http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/getdocument.aspx?docname=4AA2-5115ENW.pdf
• http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/getdocument.aspx?docname=4AA2-8023ENW.pdf
• https://community.citrix.com/kits/#/kit/3125008
Latest News Articles -
The Co-operative Group - http://www.citrix.com/English/aboutCitrix/caseStudies/caseStudy.asp?storyID=2304613
Server Right Sizing - http://community.citrix.com/display/ocb/2010/04/02/The+importance+of+knowing+your+environment
ACMA builds Xen-based private cloud - http://www.cio.com.au/article/367528/acma_builds_xen-based_private_cloud/
XenDesktop on Hyper-V SP1 with Citrix Essentials (40% More user Density) -http://community.citrix.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=157322595
XenServer Page
Download XenServer 5.6 FP1 GA http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_1688616.asp
MyCitrix (Licensing, Support and Partner Sales Kits)
Download XenServer (Partners can access NFR license via MyCitrix)
Download Essentials for Hyper-V http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/feature.asp?contentID=1854353Citrix XenServer Feature Matrix - http://www.citrix.com/english/ps2/products/subfeature.asp?contentid=1680964
Citrix eDocs online Production Documentation - http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/index.jsp
Free E-Learning Course - Introduction to Citrix Essentials for XenServer 5.5 - http://citrixtraining.com/courses/course_view.cfm/course_id:274
Citrix XenServer Literature - http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/documents.asp?contentid=683148
Citrix Ready -
Citrix Community -
Citrix XenServer Central - http://community.citrix.com/citrixready/xenserver
XenServer 5.6 FP1 Administrator Guide - http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/5.6.0fp1/1.0/en_gb/reference.html#id2564366
Citrix Knowledge Center -
http://support.citrix.com/ and http://support.citrix.com/product/xens/
Citrix XenServer Featured Articles - http://support.citrix.com/product/xens/v5.6/
Citrix Licensing Basics - http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_2305120.asp
Citrix Forum -
Citrix XenServer Master Classes (Free) -
Citrix XenServer 5.6 FP1 Master Class (ANZ) - https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/644832776
XenServer Project "Cowley" - http://www.citrix.com/English/NE/events/event.asp?eventID=1855037
Citrix TV -
OpenSource iSCSI Targets for XenServer - http://www.nexenta.com/corp/products & http://www.osnexus.com/
Citrix XenServer Security Target - http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/epfiles/crp255st.pdf
Citrix HCL -
Citrix HCL Community Verified - http://community.citrix.com/citrixready
Citrix HCL Self Certification Kits - http://www.citrix.com/ready/hcl
Citrix YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/CitrixTV
Citrix Ask the Architect - http://community.citrix.com/p/ata#architects & AsktheArchitect@citrix.com
XenServer ROI Calculates - https://roianalyst.alinean.com/citrix/xenserver/
Citrix Synergy 2010 -
Citrix Security Bulletins - http://support.citrix.com/securitybulletins/
Citrix IRC Channel -
Twitter -
@Citrix, @xenserverarmy, @Citrix_Synergy, #citrixsynergy, #xenserver
Citrix on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/citrix
Helpful Resources for XenServer - http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_1688622.asp#top
Fault Tolerance using Marathon - http://www.marathontechnologies.com/high_availability_xenserver.html& http://community.citrix.com/blogs/
Open vSwitch -
http://openvswitch.org/ & http://www.openflowswitch.org/
Citrix Product Sales Kit - http://community.citrix.com/kits/brand/sk-products
eCo System Partners - https://www.citrix.com/English/partners/partnertop.asp
• Fault Tolerance - http://www.marathontechnologies.com/high_availability_xenserver.html
• Backup - (PHD virtual, Quorumsoft , SEP, Commvault. Symantec) - http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122191
• Security -
• Multitenant -
http://www.desktone.com/ & http://cloud.com/ & http://www.openstack.org/
• Virus Scanning - http://www.mcafee.com/us/campaigns/virtualized/
Citrix Product Lifecycle Phases -
XenServer Tech Specs - http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/subfeature.asp?contentID=1681139
Citrix XenServer Best Practices -
• http://community.citrix.com/display/xs/Best+Practices
• http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/getdocument.aspx?docname=4AA2-5115ENW.pdf
• http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/getdocument.aspx?docname=4AA2-8023ENW.pdf
• https://community.citrix.com/kits/#/kit/3125008
Latest News Articles -
The Co-operative Group - http://www.citrix.com/English/aboutCitrix/caseStudies/caseStudy.asp?storyID=2304613
Server Right Sizing - http://community.citrix.com/display/ocb/2010/04/02/The+importance+of+knowing+your+environment
ACMA builds Xen-based private cloud - http://www.cio.com.au/article/367528/acma_builds_xen-based_private_cloud/
XenDesktop on Hyper-V SP1 with Citrix Essentials (40% More user Density) -http://community.citrix.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=157322595
Suprise! We do talk with Storage Vendors
Nice blog from Simon Crosby on Desktop Virtualisation Infrastructures and appropriate management of disk writes, intellicache, etc.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
XenDesktop 5 Database Sizing and Mirroring Best Practices
XenDesktop 5 Database Sizing and Mirroring Best Practices Guide Available!
Document ID: CTX127939 / Created On: 12-Jan-2011 / Updated On: 17-Jan-2011
2010's Top 20 eDocs Topics
posted on http://community.citrix.com/blogs/ by Beth Pollock
In the spirit of end of year Top 10 lists, we thought we'd provide a list of the 20 most-viewed eDocs topics between 1 January and 27 December 2010. The list is compiled based on unique pageviews. Landing pages for products or platforms are not counted. For this exercise, we are more interested in seeing which topics readers are going to for information that helps them accomplish a task, rather than gauging how popular certain products or platforms are.
Not surprisingly, system requirements and readmes are the most-read topics, along with installation instructions.
Not surprisingly, system requirements and readmes are the most-read topics, along with installation instructions.
Rank | Title | Unique Pageviews |
1 | 50,290 | |
2 | 34,827 | |
3 | 30,773 | |
4 | 30,231 | |
5 | 26,499 | |
6 | 25,740 | |
7 | 25,714 | |
8 | 24,932 | |
9 | 21,805 | |
10 | 19,619 | |
11 | 19,343 | |
12 | 17,356 | |
13 | 17,169 | |
14 | 16,861 | |
15 | 16,172 | |
16 | 16,000 | |
17 | 15,829 | |
18 | 15,703 | |
19 | 15,453 | |
20 | 15,391 |
Are you surprised by any of these entries? Are there any topics missing that you would expect to be represented here? What's your personal top 5?
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